The Florida School Readiness Program

The Florida School Readiness Program (SR) provides financial support for child care to working families. Families enrolled at eligible child care providers and the state covers a portion of the cost, based on household income. The purpose of this program is to enhance children’s learning and to facilitate families’ progress toward economic self-sufficiency. The SR program is administered by the Florida Division of Early Learning in partnership with the 30 local Early Learning Coalitions (ELCs), and the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA).

Who Is Eligible for SR?

The SR program serves children younger than the age of 14. Generally, there are three types of households eligible to receive support:

  • Economically disadvantaged: Households with an income 150% Federal Poverty Line (FPL) at the time of program intake. Households can remain in the program until their income reaches 85% of the State Median Income (SMI). These households must also meet school/work requirements.
  • Households with Disabilities: Households where the parent has a temporary and permanent disability.
  • At-Risk Households: Households who have been referred by the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) and/or DCF provider.
  • Households using Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF): Households participating in the TANF-funded programs, Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) and/or Transitional Child Care (TCC) program

For more specific information on eligibility requirements, application processes, and eligibility determination please see the Economic Self-Sufficiency 2023 Annual Report.

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