
Medicaid is a joint federal and state program which provides free or low-cost health coverage to low-income families. The Medicaid program is administered federally by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), and in Florida through the Department of Children and Families (DCF); however, Medicaid health care services are administered through the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration (AHCA).

Who Is Eligible for Medicaid?

Individuals are eligible for Medicaid based on household income. There are seven populations eligible to receive services, each with various income eligibility requirements as reported by the Federal Poverty Line (FPL). Meaning, a household may contain some members receiving Medicaid services and others who are ineligible. Income is calculated using the Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) and all individuals are given a 5% MAGI income disregard.

  • Pregnant women: Eligible for the duration of pregnancy and twelve months postpartum, extended from two months beginning July 1, 2021. (185% FPL)
  • Parents/Caretakers: Consisting of relatives within specified degree of relationship as defined by DCF to at least one dependent younger than 18 years old living in the household. (31% FPL).
  • Children ages 0-1: Unmarried, have an annulled marriage, or are not legally emancipated. (200% FPL, additional 3% disregard).
  • Children ages 1-5: Are not legally emancipated. (133% FPL, additional 5% disregard).
  • Children ages 6-18. Unmarried, have an annulled marriage, or are not legally emancipated. (133% FPL).
  • Former foster care children: Children ages 18-25 who were under the responsibility of the State and receiving Medicaid when they aged out of foster care at 18-years-old. (No income limit).
  • Social Security Income (SSI): Individuals receiving SSI. (74% FPL, no 5% MAGI disregard).

For more specific information on eligibility requirements, application processes, and eligibility determination please see the Economic Self-Sufficiency 2023 Annual Report.

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