Childcare Access

Research that includes interactive maps and analyses depicting access to high-quality childcare options for families participating in Florida’s state childcare subsidy program across different localities.



  • The Florida Index of Child Care Access
Map of the state of Florida

The Florida Index of Child Care Access (FLICCA 5.1) is an interactive mapping tool which depicts levels of access to quality child care for families enrolled in the Florida School Readiness (SR) Subsidy Program.

  • Measuring Child Care Affordability: Household Percentage Income (HPI)
This interactive map displays the county level Household Percentage Income (HPI) index across different household sizes. The HPI represents the cost of childcare relative to household income, assessing childcare affordability for Florida’s School Readiness (SR) families. This visualization compares the current HPI, based on reimbursement rates during the 2022–2023 fiscal year, with a predicted HPI calculated using new rates approved in 2024 to explore the potential impact of the newly proposed county rates on childcare affordability.


Archived Tools

  • Florida Childcare Provider Occupancy
Interactive maps depicting childcare provider occupancy. Data reflect approximately 8,000 providers who applied for ARPA provider stabilization grants from the Florida Division of Early Learning.
  • Mapping Hurricane Ian’s Impact
Please find child care providers’ most-current operational status following the aftermath of Hurricane Ian.