Child Outcomes
Research exploring the relationship between child and family characteristics, and their use of services, in relation to child outcomes. This project includes interactive visualizations to help illustrate these connections.
- Visualizing Child Contextual Associations with Kindergarten Readiness
The UpSet Plot is a tool to understand how different groupings of child- and family-level contextual variables relate to kindergarten readiness. Rather than focusing on one variable at a time, the UpSet provides readers with a holistic, person-centered lens to explore kindergarten readiness. Exploring the UpSet Plot will help readers to understand the interplay between how children’s life circumstances work synergistically to shape their learning.
- Research Brief: Children’s Academic Outcomes Associated with Early Care and Education System Participation
Phillip R. Sherlock, Ph.D., Maxwell Mansolf, Ph.D., Herman T. Knopf, Ph.D., Robert Chapman - Research Brief: Child & Family Characteristics Associated with Kindergarten Readiness
Phillip R. Sherlock, Ph.D., Robert Chapman, Herman T. Knopf, Ph.D., Maya Schreiber, M.A.